Welcome to Fossnel.com

A Gavin Newsom Presidency?

What Will it Mean.

Are you heading to an unfamiliar place due to job change or a change of scenery. Well, we may be able to help know what to expect in certain locations that we have experience with. For areas we are familiar with we are including local restaurants, places of interest and other useful information. Thou we do not have information for everywhere, we have information including tax links on several locations and surrounding areas across the United States. We also have tax information for each States Overview.

New York Warning!!

Is New York City a safe place to relocate to or visit. Read the Warnings.

Whether you need a website or in house software needs, Fossnel can handle all your needs.

Trouble changing your physical address or email address with a company or government agency? Well, you are not alone. Here is a list of companies and firms who will make almost impossible to change your personal information. Several companies appear to treat it as a felony crime if you should dare change your mailing address, your email or even your phone number.

Using our extensive experience of software contracting at several locations, Fossnel is offering a guide to selected Cities accross the United States. We also have tax information for each States Overview.

If you are working somewhere temporarily or need short term housing, these Long Term Stays could be your answer.